How to Tell if Roofers Did a Good Job

How to Tell if Roofers Did a Good Job

Taking good care of your roof is one of the best ways to protect your home and your investment. However, not all roofing jobs are created equal. Even when hiring a licensed professional, there is still a risk of receiving subpar work. As a homeowner without extensive construction knowledge, how can you feel confident that your roofing project was completed properly?

This article is prepared to equip homeowners with the must-know details for inspecting a roofing job and identifying signs of quality workmanship. Follow these tips to avoid problems down the road and ensure your roof will provide maximum protection.

1. Understand the Hallmarks of a Professional Roofer

Before hiring a roofer, do your due diligence to ensure they are qualified, experienced, and reputable. A true roofing professional should:

  • Have up-to-date licensing and insurance coverage
  • Provide references from past clients
  • Clearly explain their process and offer warranty details upfront
  • Have membership in recognized roofing associations like NRCA

Reputable roofers stand behind their work. Beware of contractors who seem unclear on project specifics or try high-pressure sales tactics. A quality roofer will take time to inspect your roof, explain repair options, provide a detailed quote, and answer all your questions thoroughly.

2. Do a Careful Visual Inspection

Do a Careful Visual Inspection

Once the work is complete, conduct a thorough visual inspection of the roof. Some areas to focus on include the following:

Check for a Uniform Appearance

Scan the roof for a smooth, consistent appearance. The shingles or tiles should lie flat in neat, aligned rows without large gaps, curling edges, or obvious color variations. Flashing around vents, chimneys, and roof valleys should fit tightly with no buckling or raised seams.

Look for Proper Shingle Installation

Examine how the shingles were installed. Quality roofers ensure proper nailing, with each shingle securely fastened per the manufacturer’s specifications. Check for correct overlapping between rows without too much or too little.

Ideally, sight down the roof lines from top to bottom. The edges should form straight lines with no obvious humps or depressions.

Inspect Flashing Closely

Pay special attention to the flashing installation. Flashing is metal strips fitted around joints and roof protrusions that help prevent leaks. Confirm flashing lays completely flat and covers shingles below. There should be no gaps, allowing water to seep underneath.

Check for a Clean Work Area

A roofer’s cleanliness reflects their professionalism. Upon completing the job, all old shingles, nails, and other construction debris should be swept up and hauled away. Watch for shards, nails, or granules left on the ground that can become safety hazards.

3. Review Documentation Thoroughly

Reputable roofers provide paperwork detailing the project and materials used. Review documents carefully to confirm the job matches what was agreed upon. This should include:

Itemized Invoice

The invoice should list all labor costs, material expenses, and any specialty equipment fees for hoists, dump trailers, etc. Compare the total to the original estimate. Ask about any discrepancies.

Warranty Information

Most roofing manufacturers provide material warranties ranging from 20-50 years. Confirm you received the warranty, and read the terms closely. Understand what is covered, warranty duration, claim procedures, and limitations. Keep the warranty paperwork in a safe place.

Permit Documentation

For major roofing work, permits are often required by the local building department. Confirm the roofer obtained the necessary permits and request copies for your records.

What Are the Red Flags You Should Be Aware Of?

While a visual inspection and paper trail can reveal substandard work, also watch for concerning contractor behaviors, including:

  • Pushy sales tactics and high pressure to sign a contract quickly
  • Vague about licensing status or insurance coverage
  • Lack of documented credentials and references
  • Hesitant to provide a written quote or warranty information

Quality roofers explain their expertise upfront and answer questions patiently. Contracts should clearly outline project specifics, payment schedule, start/end dates, and warranty coverage. Never pay 100% upfront, as this removes the incentive to finish properly. Insist on stages tied to inspection and completion.

Post Installation Routine Inspections & When to Call a Professional?

In addition to post-installation inspections, stay vigilant for signs of roof trouble throughout your home’s lifetime. Contact a roofer promptly if you notice:

  • Leaks and moisture on ceilings or attic walls
  • Ponding water that lingers more than 48 hours after rain
  • Missing, cracked, or curling shingles
  • Sagging rooflines or uneven appearance
  • Poor ventilation or airflow in your attic space

Don’t ignore small issues as they can lead to bigger problems down the road. Rely on the expertise of an experienced roofer for diagnosis and repairs.

Summing Up

Your roof provides critical protection against the elements. While a quality installation doesn’t guarantee a problem-free future, it significantly reduces the risk of leaks, damage, and costly repairs later on. Take time to thoroughly evaluate the work performed. If anything seems amiss, address it promptly with the roofer. With proper care and maintenance, your roof can reliably serve your home for decades.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I inspect my roof safely?

Use binoculars and zoom lenses to inspect from the ground when possible. Only use ladders and walk on the roof with proper fall protection gear and an assistant as a spotter. Wait for dry conditions before accessing the roof.

What is an underlayment and why is it important?

Underlayment is a water barrier layer installed under shingles. It provides extra leak protection in case water gets past the shingles. Quality underlayments, like synthetic felt, enhance the roof’s durability.

Should I be present when the roofer works?

Periodic inspections of work in progress are recommended. However, don’t feel the need to watch constantly. Discuss the best times to check progress with the roofer.

Can a few missing shingles be problematic?

Yes – even one missing shingle can allow water intrusion when the next rain comes. Have any missing, cracked, or damaged shingles replaced immediately.

What are the signs of inadequate roof ventilation?

Excess moisture, condensed water on attic insulation, peeling paint on interior ceiling corners, and excess heat in the attic can indicate insufficient airflow.

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